6 Tips to Write Good Articles


Good articles have certain characteristics. They start with a strong opening sentence and have a clear structure. They don't go off on tangents to explain concepts that are irrelevant to the topic at hand, nor do they include any extraneous details that will bore readers. Good articles stick to the point and focus on delivering information that is appropriate for the audience at hand. I've written about this in more detail below!

Have a strong opening sentence.

If you need some more inspiration, check out these examples:

“As someone who grew up in California, I can tell you that there are three things everyone needs to know about their state: 1) it's hot during the summer; 2) bears live there; 3) earthquakes happen every once in awhile.” -Joe Smith

“You might think that pizza is just another food item—but I'm here today to tell you that it's so much more than that.” -Jane Doe

Tell the reader why this topic is relevant, why you are writing about it.

It's important that you know your audience and what they want. Tell them how your content will help them and why it is worth their time to read it. You'll want to make sure you've done enough research so that you can provide evidence-based information on a topic or issue that is relevant today. The most important thing to remember when writing an article is: if there's no reason for someone else other than yourself to care about what's being said in the piece, then don't write about it at all!

Explain what you are going to say in your article – the structure and order of topics.

When writing an article, it's important to explain the structure and order of topics. To do this, use a simple outline format (1, 2, 3) with numbers or letters to help the reader navigate. You can also use a table of contents or headings in your article to help guide readers through the text.

The last thing you need is for a reader to get lost in all the information and miss what they came for! This is why we recommend you summarize at least once and provide a glossary on unfamiliar terms so that everyone has access to all their information needs.

Be careful to not introduce new ideas, or expand on existing ideas, in your conclusion.

While the introduction and body paragraphs of your article should present new ideas, the conclusion is not the place to introduce new ideas or expand on existing ones. Remember that your conclusion should be a quick summary of what you've written in the body of your article. You'll want to leave your reader with a memorable final thought so they can see how everything in their life has changed for the better since reading your piece. Leave them feeling satisfied with how much they learned about whatever subject it was that you wrote about!

The most effective way to end an article is with a powerful quote from someone who has experienced great success (and make sure it's one that's applicable). You could also quote yourself if you like 🙂

Avoid clichés and hackneyed phrases.

  • Avoid clichés.
  • Avoid hackneyed phrases.
  • Avoid trite phrases.
  • Avoid tired phrases.
  • Avoid overused phrases.
  • Avoid worn-out phrases.

Avoid repeating yourself too much – write concisely and precisely.

The first rule is that you should avoid repetition. This includes too many words, sentences, paragraphs, descriptions and detail. You want to choose the best word or phrase that conveys your meaning in the fewest possible words. Use this approach when writing articles or books as well as any other type of writing you do for business or pleasure.

It's important to keep in mind that this doesn't mean you should use short sentences for every paragraph – that would be too much like texting (or tweeting). Instead of using one-word sentences all over your paper try using two or three word phrases instead; they pack more punch while still remaining readable!

Stick to one idea per sentence.

It's a good rule of thumb to separate each idea in your writing with one sentence. This is particularly true for the introduction and conclusion of your article, but it can be used throughout the middle as well.

If you have a lot of ideas that you want to convey, then break them up into separate paragraphs or sections. If your main idea is long and complex (like this entire blog post), consider splitting it into two different articles!

Write as if you were having a conversation with someone who knows nothing about the topic of your writing – don’t assume any background knowledge on the part of the reader.

Good writers don’t assume that their readers know anything about the topic. They write as if they were having a conversation with someone who knows nothing about the subject. They begin by defining terms and explaining concepts, rather than assuming you understand what they mean by “adhesive” or “territory.”

This is how experts communicate with each other when discussing new research: they define terms before using them, and then explain why those definitions matter and how they relate back to our everyday lives (which means that not only are we learning something new, but also that we can actually use it). Articles written in this way are always much easier to read because they focus on making sure it makes sense to everyone involved in the conversation – not just experts!

Don’t use jargon or technical language that people might not understand.

You should avoid using jargon or technical language that people might not understand. If you want to be understood, write plainly and simply. The best way to do this is through active verbs and simple sentences.

You should also try not to use slang or too many fancy words. In most cases, it's better to write in plain English than it is to use vocabulary from a specialized field; if you need extra words for clarity, consider using an alternative word with fewer syllables instead of trying for something fancy that won't be understood by all readers.

If possible, don't go overboard with metaphors or analogies either—both can get confusing fast if overdone (see the [link](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/sep/27/how-to-write-for-the-internet)in the last section). And finally: no similes! Just say what you mean without comparing things directly

Good articles abide by basic principles of good writing

These include:

  • Conciseness and clarity. The most important thing about any article is that it must be written in a way that can be understood by the reader. If you write something and you’re not sure whether or not your readers will understand it, then re-write until they do.
  • Accuracy. A good writer knows how to verify their facts, figures, and statistics so that they are reliable sources for their point of view on the topic at hand. If you don't have time to fact-check everything yourself (and even if you do), then use reliable citations from experts in your field whenever possible so people know where their information came from! Otherwise some smarty pants might try pointing out all those inaccuracies later on down the road…
  • Relevance: Content should always be relevant to readers' needs, interests or concerns – but also mindful of what we call our “territory” – meaning topics/questions/issues already covered extensively in existing research literature as well as recent media coverage (for example). You want something unique here right? Well there's nothing wrong with talking about familiar topics like “Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats.” In fact we encourage it – just make sure there's something new added into each article so people won't feel like reading an exact duplicate of what someone else wrote before them!”


In order to write an interesting and engaging article, you should know your audience. The text should be both informative and enjoyable to read. You need to understand the topic of your article. Don't forget that the key goal is to give an objective overview of any subject matter.

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Articles: 45